Lots of Small Owen Stories
Unfortunately, I do not have one really good story to share about Owen today. But, I do have a bunch of small ones that may get a few laughs.
Yesterday, Peter took the kids to visit Keegan and Ronan. Not enough time was spent in the backyard Disneyland on Saturday. I was working, but I get a FB post from Kristin that reads "I was not here to witness it, but your kid scaled my fence today. I bet you can't guess which one :)". I guessed Elsa. Obviously, I was wrong. When I asked Peter about it, he told me Owen looked like he was on a jail break. Just totally climbed over the fence like he was on the run. Awesome.
Last night, Vance was on quite a roll, e.g. eating crayons, pushing his brother down for no apparent reason, slamming his bedroom door hard enough to break off the trim, etc. This was Vance, mind you, not Owen. Vance and Elsa ended up locking themselves in Vance and Owen's room because Vance slammed his door so hard that the nails from the missing trim went into the door and the door was stuck. Peter went downstairs to get something to try to get them out. I looked down the hall and noticed Owen opened the door. Really? He can pick locks AND unstick doors? Awesome.
Peter told me later on that he thought Owen was being opportunistic because when we were upset with Vance for acting the way he was (seriously, Vance does not act that way, it was like he was a completely different kid), Owen totally shmoozed us and kept telling us he loved us and wanted to sit in our laps. He knew we were upset with Vance and he used that to his advantage to get on our good side. Awesome.
Owen has had problems going to sleep. He wants to stay up and party no matter how tired he is. It has gotten to the point that Owen will sneak into our room and get into anything and everything. I've caught him with my face lotion all over his face and legs. I've caught him trying to climb inside my closet because my purse, which has gum in it, is on a shelf out of his reach. He's also broken up some magnesium pills and come out of our room with powder all over his shirt. So, I go to bed a few nights ago and there is Owen, asleep in my bed like an angel, watching "Big Momma's House". He is totally my child for that one. Double Awesome!
Those are a few smaller stories starring Owen Michael Paul. Can't wait for another "big" one.
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