Monday, June 20, 2011

A Conversation Between Owen and Elsa

This is how I imagine the conversation between Owen and Elsa went today:

Owen:  Hey, Elsa, do you know what would be super fun?

Elsa:  No, Owen, what?

Owen:  If I cut your hair like Dad cuts our hair.

Elsa:  I don't know Owen.  Have you had any experience in hair cutting before?

Owen:  Sure, I have.  I am what one would call a connoisseur in the hair cutting department.

Elsa:  Okay, I guess so.  You don't think Mom or Dad would mind?

Owen:  Of course not!  Mom and Dad are cool.  They know what's what.

Elsa:  Okay, Owen, I trust you.  Where do you want to cut my hair?

Owen:  Umm, how about we go outside so Dad isn't around?  I mean, let's go outside so we don't make a mess.  You know how I feel about making a mess.

Elsa:  Owen, everything I know about you says you like making messes, but you are my brother and I know you would never do anything bad to me.

Owen:  Of course not, Elsa!

And, that is how I imagine Owen tricked Elsa into letting him cut her hair.  Because I know my Elsa is too smart to do that unless she was tricked.  Luckily for Elsa, Owen wasn't wrong when he said he was skilled in the hair cutting department because the end result wasn't too bad.  Elsa has a few layers and some new bangs, but, overall, nothing that can't be fixed (or hidden with a few well placed barettes and pony tails).

Who knows?  Perhaps Owen will one day become a hair dresser and this event will be what triggered his career.

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