Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Saw My Future ...

... and I'm scared.

First of all, Owen is definitely rubbing off on Vance (not in a good way).  Not only has Owen taught Vance to use the backyard as his own personal potty.  But, Vance opened his bedroom window the other day and shouted to our neighbors, who were swimming in their pool, "We have a gun in our house."  WHAT??????????  I almost died when I heard him yell this.  We do NOT have a gun in our house.  We do not TALK about guns in our house.  There are no shooting video games.  We do not even have toy guns that the kids play with (usually).  The only thing I can think of is that they were playing with water guns earlier in the day that Grandma brought over.  But, why the need to share with our neighbors?  I have no clue.  I am mortified.  That comment would definitely be grounds for CPS to be called in if it was true.  I pray the neighbors did not hear him.

So, on my drive in to work today, I heard a story on the radio about a five year old boy from Texas who stole the family minivan to drive to the store to buy a candy bar.  The first thing that scared me about this story was the determination in the child to get the candy bar.  This is the same determination I have witnessed over and over in Owen.  When he wants something, he will not stop until he gets it.  And, Owen LOVES candy (like his mom, I blame myself).  The second part of the story that made me go white was when the mom described her son as a "little daredevil".  Awww hell, I'm in trouble.  This will be Owen in two years.  I just know it.  We need to hide our car keys, I think.

Over the last week, Owen has:
1) Decided to use the air vent as his personal potty.
2) Decided to use Elsa's foot stool as his personal potty.
3) Decided to use his dump truck as his personal potty (notice a theme here?).
4) Pulled the rear view mirror off the Explorer.  I have no idea how he did this because they glue those things on TIGHT.
5) Spent just as much time cuddling and loving us.

It's extremely hard to stay upset with a child as lovable as Owen.  But, I would appreciate if he kept his bathroom habits limited to the bathroom.

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