The orginal title of this post was "Definitely a Felony". Peter corrected me and said these stories don't involve felonies; only misdemeanors. Man, I hope I don't ever have felony in the title of one of my blog postings.
So, we've had a few issues recently with our wonderful Owen Michael Paul. Surprise surprise, right? I know, it is pretty shocking. But, I swear to you, it's true.
First of all, Owen has come down with what I hope is a curable disease ... kleptomania. I know, I know, he's four, it's just a phase. Yeah, no. It started innocently enough with him stealing chapstick out of our linen closet. Some may argue that, technically, it's in his home and could be considered his and not really stealing. Unfortunately, it did not stop there. He has since stolen chapstick and gum from his cousin, Azylin. And also tic tacs and chapstick from two of his grandmas (he has a thing for chapstick apparently). We made him give everything back and apologize. You'd think that might be enough to get him not to do it again, right? Wrong. He stole gum and chapstick again from Azylin. We told him that this time he has to pay money from his piggy bank, give back his loot, and apologize. He cried and cried, screamed about how he has no more quarters left and it just isn't fair. It actually broke my heart a bit. I hate making my kids so upset, but I stuck to my guns. I'd rather have an upset Owen than an Owen who isn't allowed in people's houses because he has sticky fingers.
The next misdemeanor involves underage drinking. Now, we've found numerous open Coke and Sprite cans underneath the pool table in the basement. We've talked to him about how bad soda is for children, but, of course, it tastes good so why would he listen? However, today takes the cake. I was getting the basement bedroom ready for special visitors and noticed that Owen kept going into the laundry room where we have an extra fridge. I asked him to stop because I wanted to keep the warm air in the bedroom and not leaking out into the laundry room. I went upstairs, but Mr. Owen stayed downstairs because he wanted to "look around in the basement". What? We forced him to come upstairs anyway and didn't really question anything. Owen kept showing us the juice he poured into a sippy cup and said it makes bubbles when you shake it. Again, didn't really question anything (though, now it all makes sense). After the boys were in bed, Peter asked me to taste Owen's juice. Yup, it was about 50/50 juice and Bud Light. Peter found the open can of beer in the fridge in the basement. He showed it to Owen who had just come out of his room for the 87th time to "tell us something" and Owen immediately turned around, went back into his room, and blocked the door with his body when we tried to come in and talk to him. We had the "you are too young to drink, you could go to jail, Mommy & Daddy could go to jail" talk with him. Fingers crossed that it works. Fingers crossed that he stops stealing. He's too young for this, isn't he?
Please don't call CPS; I swear we are moving the beer.
I will end this post with my most recent favorite picture of Owen. This was last night. He walked out of his room in his cute pajamas, holding his sister's Coach purse, and wearing a Santa hat (even though it looks like underwear) and told me he was going on a date with his friend, Alex. Man, I love this little boy!!
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